How to Walk
The seriousness of the Word Of God regarding personal Holiness and the work of Sanctification within the believers life is discussed in today’s teaching...
The seriousness of the Word Of God regarding personal Holiness and the work of Sanctification within the believers life is discussed in today’s teaching...
With the recent shooting tragedy at the Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, so close to all of us, today's message is on the Last Days Lawlessness. The impact...
The Teaching today identifies the life of a church and community that is truly surrendered to the Lord. In the midst of daily trials and adversity...
God commands us to share the gospel in a number of scriptures. However, here in Mark...
The Apostle Paul was not able to take care of every issue or crisis that came upon the churches. Today, we see...
We are so thankful to Jesus, The Head Of His Church, for raising up leaders in the Body. Today we will recognize...
There were many trials, persecutions, and sufferings that Paul, his team of ministers, and the Christian communities endured to follow Christ...
We all struggle in times of adversity. Unexpected difficulties and times of being stretched beyond our ability to cope drives us to need The Lord...
The Apostle describes the heart of those who watch over God’s Church. There was a simplicity of ministry that always focused on the best care for the...
Paul draws a very graphic picture for the Church at Ephesus, of the graveyard of sin, from which God’s grace has brought them...
God rescued the Israelites out of bondage to deliver them to a land flowing with milk and honey, a place that He had prepared for them...
The conflicts the Apostles encountered when presenting the Truth of The Gospel were from persecutors who hated Christ...