Knowing God Through Love – 1 John 4:9-19
God did a lot more than just say He loved us. He made His love toward us visible and public by sending His Son into the world...
God did a lot more than just say He loved us. He made His love toward us visible and public by sending His Son into the world...
John teaches the Church the significance of knowing whether the teacher we listen to has the Spirit of God or the Spirit of the Antichrist, or the...
The fascinating study on the role of the Holy Spirit is to first reveal to us our need for Jesus for our salvation and how we learn...
Studying the second part of 1 Corinthians 1, and the beginning of Chapter 2, we see clearly that the work of salvation and opening blind eyes to...
In a world where there seems to be no peace, where the populace and churches in general seem clueless about building a loving and Godly consensus, this...
John warns us that Love and Hate is the difference between life and death. Love is evidence that we have passed from death to life. God is...
In verses 1-3, John assures us that we are Children of God and that we will be like Him when we see Jesus Christ in the second...
John says that we are Children of God and when He (Jesus Christ) appears in the second coming, we shall be like Him. What a beautiful hope...
In today’s message, guest teacher George Perinis asks this simple, yet sometimes, not-so-simple question: What do we do in times of trial and tribulation, when we neither...
John speaks to his readers, and us, concerning the great Love in which the Lord loves us. His love for us is so great that He calls...
The entire Christian life is centered upon Jesus lifting us out of lives ruined by sin. He keeps lifting us to be more like Him in other’s...
Today’s teaching centers around repenting and seeing our own lives cleaned up before The Lord and then granting others grace for their understandings of how they live...