For the next several weeks, we will be studying the Apostle Paul’s teachings on human sexuality, the dangers of sexual relationships outside of marriage, the blessings of marital intimacy within marriage, and the struggles...
The Third Epistle of John, often referred to as 3 John, is one of the shortest books in the New Testament. Author: The letter is traditionally attributed to the Apostle John, who also wrote...
The Word of God gives us counsel and wisdom for every situation we encounter if we are willing to search and listen. Regarding lawsuits among Christians, there are guidelines to follow to avoid offending...
Over the next several weeks, we will be studying Christian sexual immorality, Christian lawsuits, and healthy Christian sexuality in marriages. Paul is dealing with unresolved and unrepentant sin impacting the church and Christian brothers....
At the end of 1 John, the apostle assures us that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to give us an understanding of the true God. That we may know Him and be...
When we have Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we have confidence that we have eternal life. We also have confidence that God hears us when we pray according to His will. We can...
If we are willing to receive the witness of man, the witness of God is greater. God the Father Himself gave testimony of His Son, Jesus Christ, which gives all the validation we need...
John continues to protect the people against the harmful effects of false teaching. The challenge was establishing the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. This is a consistent battle against the heresy that persisted...
In today’s teaching, we learn about the consequences of living as believers in unrepentant sin. We as human fallen people are always susceptible to many kinds of sin. If we are unbelievers sin seems...
As Paul was dealing with the Church in Corinth, he came to them as a spiritual father, not a judge or superior to them. Many things were infecting the lives of the believers in...
The Apostle Paul started the New Church in Corinth a while back and reported on the leaders’ and believers’ disunity and immaturity. He wrote to the church hoping to see them begin to get...
Today’s chapter is about God giving the increase for the times we plant and water the seed of the Word of God in people’s lives. The success of The Work of God completely depends...