Falling to Temptation - 1 Corinthians 5

In today’s teaching, we learn about the consequences of living as believers in unrepentant sin. We as human fallen people are always susceptible to many kinds of sin. If we are unbelievers sin seems normal as it’s somewhat automatic in our daily lives. As believers, we still have a sinful nature yet our relationship with Jesus has short-circuited it as our Savior. We still can fail and fall to temptation yet our conscience is disturbed when we willfully sin. The Holy Spirit immediately begins to convict us so we can repent, be forgiven, and be cleansed from our sins. If we resist the Holy Spirit our sin begins to spread like a cancer and can and eventually even impact the gathering of the church community. The Apostle teaches how spiritual rebellion needs to be dealt with. The goal is always grace so our sin can be covered and stopped but if one refuses to turn and repent and the sin is common knowledge in the church community Paul gives instructions on how to deal with the offender.