The Apostle Paul started the New Church in Corinth a while back and reported on the leaders’ and believers’ disunity and immaturity. He wrote to the church hoping to see them begin to get back on track and be humble and teachable to the Word of God. It had to be very discouraging to Paul to see what started out in the Spirit now become led by human weaknesses. Whenever a church becomes led by human abilities and not the Holy Spirit, it becomes powerless and deeply flawed by sin and pride. Jesus alone, by His Holy Spirit, is to lead and head all ministries of the local church. Each servant in His church is to be humble and continually repentant when their human flaws get in the way. If we live to glorify Jesus, stay low, and lift up Christ and His people, the church can be healthy. This letter is an admonition to every church community and is to be heeded.